Not even a kid's movie is safe from feminist idiots.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 is somehow a feminist movie & Valka is a "
strong female character" after you ignore things like facts & logic.
Did these feminist fools watch the same movie everyone else did? Hiccup's Incubator (she's not a mother because she was gone for 20 years, besides the movies are about Hiccup & Toothless) is not a strong female character. There is nothing strong about her. She is a childish female character & makes girls look bad. She is selfish & a sorry excuse for a mother. She chose to take care of dragons for 20 years while she abandoned her husband & child. Feminists love her because feminists hate mothers.
Hiccup's Incubator may be nurturing to dragons but
she's not strong. She looks nothing like all the other strong Viking women in Berk who take care of their children & defend their village. She hides in an ice mountain provided by the male Bewilderbeast & she takes care of injured dragons. Unlike the other Viking women, she was off on her own taking care of animals instead of her son. She is not "tough" or "strong" so of course she needs to get rescued by Hiccup's dad, Stoick. And of course she doesn't protect her son, even when given a 2nd chance. She's useless.
If they make another season of the tv show, which all the
fake geek girls writing about this movie obviously have not watched, she should not be in it. Hiccup turned into a good man thanks to his father. Sometimes rebelling from Stoick but many times learning from his father. Adding that terrible excuse for a mother to the show would probably undo a lot of it.

Stoick takes care of his son. Raised his son alone. Sometimes they disagree but many times Stoick & Hiccup learn from each other through compromise. He is a good chief & at one point let's Thornado stay on dragon island to look after the other Thunderdrums. Because he knows that children need a father, unlike Hiccup's incubator. How anyone can say she's a "strong" female character wasn't paying attention or is so immature that they think it's ok to shirk their responsibilities to go play with animals. When she learned how to ride dragons, she could have ridden back to her husband & child & shown the village what she learned. Instead she choose to play all day long, like a child, except she did this for years while her village of Berk was attacked by dragons who could have killed her son & husband. She could have stopped this but chose not to.
But this isn't the only thing that annoying feminist fake geek girls complain about.
This moron complains that Drago isn't black but she doesn't mention that Astrid is voiced by a latina. As usual, feminists pick & choose what they complain about. Even though Dean Deblois, a gay man who worked on the film, is glad that he made a character gay, the feminist complains that Gobber isn't gay enough & mocks the film-maker for his accomplishment. As I've blogged before, feminists hate all men,
even gay men.
this idiot defends all the bad decisions of Hiccup's Incubator because all that matters is validation. I can't imagine how many selfies
Aja Romano posts every day so she can be "validated":
"Additionally, the film totally validated her life choices by making her caretaker of the coolest free-range dragon park ever, and presenting the choice to rejoin her family as a choice that would validate all of her earlier choices to leave them behind."
According to this deranged feminist, all that matters is "validation" for selfish decisions, no matter the consequences, even if it means that others have to clean up after you & die in the process. Because being a responsible parent is not important. Aja thinks girls should be allowed to follow their silly whims & abandon their infant son because "life choices." Hiccup's Incubator was close-minded & selfishly abandoned her infant son instead of staying & trying to change everyone's mind the way Hiccup did. A boy, a young man, was able to do what an adult female couldn't. Because girls run away instead of doing the hard work that is necessary to affect change.
"[Hiccup's incubator] proves that women can be badasses as activists and scientists and even, yes, as moms, too"
"As moms"?? By being absent for 20 years? By literally, NOT being a mom, she's a "badass" mom. Feminist logic, everyone! I shouldn't be surprised that this idiot re-defined feminism to mean pacifism because this awful feminist uses the phrase "manpain" to describe men being emotional, a man-hating phrase I've never seen before until I read her garbage.
All these moronic feminists are so proud of Hiccup's Incubator, I bet they are also proud of
Frankea Dabbs. I could post more but you can
see for yourself how many more "mothers" just like her there are.
These must all be "strong female characters" who are "a feminist triumph" according to feminist logic, right?